Custom Color Palettes in Silhouette Studio

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Custom Color Palette in Silhouette Studio

Are you tired of searching for the perfect color for your project? I used to spend hours looking at color combinations and trying to match what I found on google. Well worry no more, I’ve got a quick and easy fix for you! I’m going to show you how to add a custom color palette in Silhouette Studio. The best part is, you only have to add these once, and they stay forever.
You’re probably wondering when will I ever use this. Well, I do this when I’m creating projects that I plan to print and cut. For example, I’m making an Easter card and I don’t have those beautiful pastel colors of cardstock. No worries, I can print and cut each element of the card in the perfect shades and I know they will all coordinate too!
Without further ado, let us jump in and get started. Open your fill panel and at the bottom, you’ll see the option to add a new color palette.
fill panel in silhouette studio where you'll add the custom color palette
Type in the name of your new palette, now when you hover over it, the name will show. This is a great way to keep all your new color swatches organized.
When you hit the + key it opens up the advanced options. There are a few different ways to define a new color, like adding in the hue, saturation, and lightness. The most common way is by the hex code, this is the part listed next to the #.
The best way to find new color combinations is by doing a Google search and using the hex codes from photos. I like using ColorZilla plugin for Chrome. Just google it and you’ll find the extension to add. I love this one because I can click on a color and it will copy the hex code and I can paste it anywhere.
I paste the hex code right on my silhouette mat and once I’ve got all the colors then I enter them into my palette. I do it this way because it also grabs the # and I find when I place that right into the space on the fill panel, I struggle to just delete the #. So for me, it is easier to type in the code myself.
Here is the video with the complete step-by-step on how to make new color palettes.
Picture of Crafty Christie

Crafty Christie

Silhouette Tutorialsist and SVG Designer

Hi! I'm Christie!

I am passionate about helping other crafters unlock their creativity and take their crafting skills to the next level.

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